Female betta fish
Female betta fish are the most quiet specie in betta splendens. They do not attack like males; they do not try to kill those who come close to them and are friendly to everybody. Female betta fish's popularity is higher than male betta fish's. It is because male bettas tend to be dominant and lead the pact; they will attack whoever enters their area. They will fight for good and evil causes by killing the other fish. Size Pregnant betta fish ( female ) are smaller in size when compared to male bettas. They have smaller fins, gins, and tails as well. The beard around their neck is not thick and barely visible to the human eye. Being smaller in size gives them the advantage to flee the area where they are in danger. Also, they can squeeze into tight spaces where male betta has difficulty doing so. Color The color of both genders of these fish is similar. The same colors and skin patterns in males can also be found in females. The only difference is that female co...