Female betta fish


Female betta fish are the most quiet specie in betta splendens. They do not attack like males; they do not try to kill those who come close to them and are friendly to everybody.

Female betta fish's popularity is higher than male betta fish's. It is because male bettas tend to be dominant and lead the pact; they will attack whoever enters their area. They will fight for good and evil causes by killing the other fish.


Pregnant betta fish ( female ) are smaller in size when compared to male bettas. They have smaller fins, gins, and tails as well. The beard around their neck is not thick and barely visible to the human eye.

Being smaller in size gives them the advantage to flee the area where they are in danger. Also, they can squeeze into tight spaces where male betta has difficulty doing so.


The color of both genders of these fish is similar. The same colors and skin patterns in males can also be found in females. The only difference is that female colors are a little bit less vibrant than male bettas.

Also, female bettas' skin patterns ( textures ) are much more noticeable and impressive than male koi. Fins, gins, and tale play a vital role: thin and more petite in size, less contrast than male bettas.


Unlike those male bettas, female bettas can easily and without any discomfort reside in the same tank or aquarium. When they are living together, the cohort between these two, when it took place, is called a sorority.

There is a handsome amount of figures that keep them together. There must be at least 4 to 6 female bettas fish in a tank simultaneously. No doubt, they enjoy their own very personal space.

Whenever they do not feel up to it, they will swim around where no one can approach them or disturb them, meaning they need to be alone for some time. Often, female betta will start interacting with any decoration pieces in a tank, just as plants, rocks, or rooms to explore


They are exploring every plant, analyzing the surface of rocks, or exploring undiscovered places in the aquarium. They are a good explorer and can go on the same exploration.

Betta fish price ( female ) are slightly cheaper than males, but the attributes remain the same. Female bettas are pretty different when it comes down to laying eggs. Female betta can lay eggs in so many quantities.

The shocking news is that female betta do not create the nest for their eggs or babies; the male does. And it is male betta who take care of them because female betta has this urge or tendency to right after laying eggs she will destroy the eggs or eat it.

When the male betta notices this, he attacks the female, resulting in the female betta fleeing the area.

After female betta is done laying eggs, it is in the best interest to separate them. In this way, their lives will be out of danger, and none of them will b stressed.
