A Guide to Betta Fish as Pet
Siamese fighting fish, sometimes referred to as betta fish, are prized for their stunning fins and vivid colors. The requirements for these are distinct from those of other popular household fish. It's crucial to give your betta fish a diet and habitat that meet their needs. Betta for sale can be found at the top pet stores near you. Diet of Betta fish Betta fish consume a protein-rich diet because they are naturally carnivorous creatures. Some people think bettas may thrive in a small tank by only consuming plant roots. This is false and might be bad for your betta fish. Your betta fish's food should consist of high-protein betta pellets in pet stores. It's crucial to choose a pellet diet designed for bettas. The ones made for tropical fish or other fish will not be healthy. The right amount of nutrients is present in betta pellets and flakes for your betta fish. To avoid overfeeding and underfeeding your fish, they are simple to portion. Everyday worries abou...